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More than 1000 peer-review publications published since 2005


We manage the entire publishing process, from start to finish, beginning with your brief.

The route to successful journal publication involves more than expertise in writing. It requires careful review of the purpose of the article, its format and target audience, as well as decisions about dissemination of the content post publication. We work with you to understand each aspect of your brief in order to propose step-by-step plans for implementation of the complete publishing process. Our goal is always to maximise impact and reach, on time and within budget.

How we plan and execute


Analysis of the our client’s brief, proposal of the type of article to write, review and suggestion of suitable journals for the publication.


A thorough literature search to complete references, preparing manuscript drafts, drawing up graphs and tables, distributing manuscripts to authors for approval, ensuring the authors adhere to deadlines and guidelines, incorporating suggested changes, and preparing the final manuscript for submission to the target journal.


Uploading the necessary documents to the chosen journal, checking that the peer-review process has begun, and overseeing progress of the peer-review process


Incorporation of suggested corrections made by the referees and the editorial board of the journal, and collaborating with the authors to obtain their approval on these corrections.


Quality control checks and monitoring until publication. This includes all the administrative tasks such as the management of the copyright forms, funding and conflict of interest declarations, Open Access application, management of payments and fees etc.